Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Latest on OPK

It has been awhile since I posted last, hmmmm! We have been so busy and I am so excited to share all of upcoming designs....above is a sneak peak of our new rosettes, aren't they just YUMMY!

Also, we are adding a newletter section to our website that will update you on new lines, sales and the latest and greatest with OPK. I will post a blog enrty when it's up and ready to go...

Please let me know what your thoughts are with the new rosettes!!!

xxxooo, Wendy


Sashay~Vanessa said...

I want one for Isabella...I LOVE IT AND LOVE YOU...

LuckyGabi said...

LOVE them!!! What a beautiful outfit and a beautiful model!!

Thank you so much for making one for Gabi, she can't wait to get it.

BBB said...

Simply Gorgeous! Love the New Rosettes! Let me know when you launch your new lines. Can't wait! They will all be hot sellers :) Thanks for sharing!